The School of Engineering recognizes staff and faculty excellence
The 2019-20 SOE Staff & Faculty Awards, delayed as a result of the pandemic, were presented virtually at an all-School virtual meeting held March 31, 2021.
Being a Lean Thinker
Manufacturing Engineering students are taking advantage of learning high-level production management skills in MANF 270. MANF270, Production Management course, provides students with hands-on opportunities to put lean manufacturing concepts related to increasing productivity into action.
Two School of Engineering researchers recognized by CSCE
Professors Rehan Sadiq and Kasun Hewage are among a group of civil engineers being celebrated for their election as Fellows at the organization’s next Gala planned for May 2022 in Whistler.
Keeping up with the charge to develop better batteries
With increasing global efforts to adopt clean energy, developing sustainable storage systems has become a major challenge in getting electric vehicles on the road and integrating intermittent renewable energy resources into the grid.
Alumni Profile – Jenny Hostland ’16 (Civil)
Jenny Hostland (BASc ’16, Civil) is a Transportation Planner currently undertaking a Masters in Energy & Transport Management in Austria.