Undergraduate Capstone

Capstone is a fourth year course running from September to April during which students work in teams to solve engineering problems.

The course is designed to allow students to use knowledge gained from engineering courses taken throughout their program, including those in design and engineering communication, to successfully conduct self-guided engineering design for a specific project of their choice with the assistance of a faculty advisor.

Project Submissions Process

  • Projects can be submitted by industry, faculty or students until August 6, 2024.
  • Students select projects before the start of term.

Instructions to Submitter

  1. Fill out all required information—missing information will result in the nonacceptance of this project submission.
  2. Please be as detailed and concise as possible when describing the project objectives(s) and deliverable(s).
  3. If you indicate students in connection with project submission, you may identify up to five students per project.
  4. Cross-discipline projects are strongly encouraged.

Please note: You will be notified of your submission status in late-August.

Make sure to preview the survey before making your online submission.


Deadline to submit proposals is August 6, 2024.


Please contact Alon Eisenstein at alon.eisenstein@ubc.ca for further information.