New aerospace initiative links industry with educational institutions
The Kelowna Aerospace Growth Initiative (KAGI) seeks to bolster the Okanagan’s aerospace sector
Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards (IUSRA) Experience
Although she was confident and hopeful applying for an IUSRA, Shriya Agrawal was thrilled when she was accepted into the program. Working in Dr. Joshua Brinkerhoff’s UBC-Okanagan Computational Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, Agrawal investigated the impact of environmentally-friendlier and cheaper fuel alternatives in the marine, transportation, and aviation industries.
Graduate Student Profile – Kasper Juel Petersen
Kasper Juel Petersen is a PhD Student (Electrical Engineering), under the supervision of Dr. Joshua Brinkerhoff, investigating mathematical and numerical modelling of fluid flows—computational fluid dynamics. He is working towards completing his degree in 2023.
Global initiative seeks to establish cooling hubs in urban areas
School of Engineering researcher among international collaboration to address extreme heat events in urban environments.
New research seeks to better transition Canada’s shipping industries to lower carbon fuels
Using computer modelling, researchers at UBC Okanagan are seeking to better understand the environmental and safety consequences of liquefied natural gas (LNG) system failures and spills.