Convocation is a time of celebration at UBCO
This week UBC Okanagan celebrates its students as it hosts six separate graduation ceremonies over two days. More than 1,725 students will cross the stage, earning their undergraduate degrees while 215 students will receive their master’s degree and 40 their doctorates.
Experts Advisory: Earth Day, 49 years later
Almost 50 years ago, millions gathered to protest the negative impacts of industry and development on the world. Since then, the tradition has continued with Earth Day, a global celebration that is recognized by more than one billion people in 192 countries. It is a day of civic and political action to focus on environmental issues such as biodiversity, sustainability, pollution, climate change and clean energy.
School of Engineering and FCCS faculty and students helping university students write better
From styles and genres of writing to strategies and processes, Engineering and Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies faculty and staff have developed a textbook and curriculum that provides first-year university students with writing fundamentals.