Four School of Engineering researchers among the top 2% of cited scientists worldwide in their fields according to a recent Stanford study. Executive Associate Dean and Civil Engineering Professor Rehan Sadiq was joined on the list by Civil Engineering Professor Solomon Tesfamariam, and Electrical Engineering Professors Julian Cheng and Stephen O’Leary.
The list of top scientists ranked the top 100,000 scientists in the world across all disciplines while highlighting the top 2% in each respective field. It was based on standardized citation indicators like information on citations, h-index, co-authorship, and a composite indicator. The scientists were classified into 22 scientific fields and 176 sub-fields in the report.
The School of Engineering researchers ranked among the top researchers in the categories of environmental sciences, civil engineering, networking and telecommunications, and applied physics.
Sadiq was among the top researchers in the category of environmental science. He is an internationally recognized authority on the asset management and reliability of water supply systems and a leading expert in environmental risk analysis and lifecycle assessment of built environments. His research has generated more than $25M in national and international funding, and used internationally to safeguard and sustain water supplies and distribution.
In the networking and telecommunications field, Cheng was recognized for his significant contributions to the fundamental theory and applications of wireless communications. He is a world-renowned scholar within the IEEE Communication Society, who has accumulated close to $2M in research funding, and published over 300 journal papers and conference papers in top venues. To date, he has over 6700 citations with an h-index of 40 and i10-index of 134 (Google Scholar).
At the cutting-edge of applied physics, O’Leary investigates the characterization of novel electronic materials, and the device implications of these findings. His research is among the most cited in applied physics related to materials. His work provides a better understanding of the nature of semiconductors, empowering researchers in the field with tools for analyzing these materials. His findings are leading to innovations in the electronics industry related to device design and optimization. O’Leary has published over 100 peer-reviewed articles, with an h-index of 29 and an i10-index of 67 (Google Scholar).
Tesfamariam is among the top researchers in civil engineering. His research relates to safe and sustainable built environment subject to multiple hazards, such as earthquake, wind, deterioration and climate change. His research has garnered over $3-million dollars from different levels of government and industry. Since he joined UBC, Tesfamariam has published over 160 peer-reviewed journal articles and 70 conference papers. To date, he has over 4800 citations, with an h-index of 37 and i10-index of 110 (Google Scholar).
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