This week in our series highlighting UBC Okanagan School of Engineering Student Ambassadors, we visit with Holly Denby.
Holly is a third year student specializing in electrical engineering.
What is your role with the Student Ambassador Program?
My role as a student ambassador is to plan and organize events for the School of Engineering, the community and engineering students. I am currently focusing on outreach events, media & marketing and promoting Women in Engineering.
Why is it important for you to give back to SOE & UBC Okanagan?
I want to encourage students to get involved with the community on campus through academic, professional and social events. Getting involved is extremely rewarding because you are providing services for students by students and enhancing the student experience.
What extra-curricular activities are you involved with?
Vice President External for the Engineering Society at UBC, Vice President Communications for the Western Engineering Society Students’ Team (WESST), Financial Coordinator for Women in Engineering and Executive for Alpha Omega Epsilon (A.O.E.), intramurals.
What has been your favourite course so far? And why?
APSC 177. I really enjoyed learning C++.
What have you learned about yourself during your time at UBC Okanagan?
I have learned that if I set my mind to something, I can accomplish it. I’ve learned not to doubt myself and to follow through with my ambitions.
If you had a theme song, what would it be?
Game of Thrones Theme Song
Favourite pizza topping? And topping you never want to see on a pizza, ever?
Pepperoni and cheese. Vegetables should never be on the pizza.
Favourite misconception about engineers and engineering?
That engineers are anti-social. We know how to have a good time.
Best advice you have received so far at UBC?
Don’t get discouraged. Even if you feel like you can’t do something, follow through with it because you will surprise yourself.