Master of Engineering

Dr. Sumi Siddiqua and Engineering students at UBC Okanagan campus.

Training Future Industry Leaders

Program Overview

The course-based Master of Engineering (MEng) program is designed for engineering graduates who want to advance their careers with further education. In addition to courses in specific technical areas, students take a variety of courses such as professional communications, ethics, and leadership. 

There are two available streams for the Master of Engineering program. Both options are open to all students. The MEng program is offered for Civil, Electrical, or Mechanical Engineering.


12 Months Courses only
16 – 24 Months Courses and Internship

Benefits of the Master of Engineering program

On successfully completing a UBCO MEng degree our graduates:  

  • Are ready to implement mastery-level technical knowledge and problem-solving skills in their engineering discipline 
  • Are sought after for their knowledge, understanding, and experience of the role of an engineer with a focus on Canadian practices and industries  
  • Are positioned for leadership and managerial roles in technology-related industries and for ongoing professional growth 
  • Are equipped with communication, leadership, life-long learning, and teamwork skills to succeed in intercultural contexts 

Admission Requirements 

  1. Online application and application fee 
  2. Transcripts from all post-secondary institutions attended – including records from in progress, courses-only, or uncompleted programs 
  3. Two letters of reference 
  4. English proficiency exam  scores (if required) * 
  5. Curriculum Vitae/Resume: A curriculum vitae or resume is required by most programs. Please format your curriculum vitae or resume to suit your chosen program or field. 
  6. Permanent Residents of Canada must provide a clear photocopy of both sides of the Permanent Resident card 

Application Deadlines

September Intake Application Deadline
Domestic Applicants May 22
International Applicants February 28
January Intake
Domestic Applicants September 22
International Applicants June 1

Start your application

Master of Engineering Coursework

Successful completion of the Master of Engineering degree includes 30 credits of coursework of which 24 credits must be Graduate level courses from the School of Engineering (ENGR 5XX, APSC 5XX, MANF 5XX). As of 2025/2026 the electrical discipline has been expanded to include courses allowing students to focus on computer engineering. Additionally, as of 2025/2026, the mechanical discipline will include courses allowing students to focus on manufacturing/industrial engineering. Students interested in these areas are encouraged to apply.

The program consists of a set of mandatory and elective courses. An annual academic advising sheet will be released to guide students in course selection to ensure that all degree requirements are fulfilled.  

Master of Engineering Internship

The internship stream is one of two options available for the MEng program. This stream begins with 12 months (3 academic terms) of coursework where you will complete all your credit requirements for your master’s degree. Following your academic terms, you will then participate in an internship for 4, 8, or 12 months depending on the length of internship that you secure. The internship is facilitated by the UBC Applied Science Co-op Program. If you opt into the internship stream, you are required to adhere to the Terms and Conditions of the Internship Program and attend all mandatory events and complete all mandatory tasks for the program, and your job search for your internship will begin 4-6 months prior to the start of your internship. 


Master of Engineering Advising Sheets

Current Students

Please refer to the 2024/2025 MEng Advising Sheet for guidance on selecting your courses to ensure compliance with program completion requirements.

2024/2025 MEng Course Advising Sheet

September 2025 Incoming Students

Please refer to the 2025/2026 MEng Advising Sheet to review the courses required to obtain a Master of Engineering degree.

2025/2026 MEng Course Advising Sheet

Master of Engineering Program Completion

Once a student has completed all course requirements, including Co-op (if applicable), they must apply to graduate (2-step process).

Submit a program completion form.


Apply to graduate

Master of Engineering Student Profiles

Sandhya Devkate

UBC Okanagan MEng graduateCivil Engineering EIT, Project Management Professional (PMP®), and Tech Steward, who thrives at the intersection of engineering, problem-solving, and innovation.

Learn more

Vishnu Priya Tripathi

Mechanical engineering graduate and sustainability advocate currently pursuing her Master’s degree at The University of British Columbia

Learn more

Weijia Yao

UBC Okanagan Master of Engineering (M.Eng) Electrical alumnus (2023) advancing his leadership and teamwork skills

Learn more

Parash Subedi

UBC Okanagan Master of Engineering (M.Eng) Mechanical alumnus (2024) helping B.C. achieve a more sustainable transit future.

Learn more

Common Questions and Topics

No, if admitted you will be assigned a faculty advisor.

Masters of Engineering (MEng) students will be invited to an information session by the COOP office during the first term of their studies.

For questions, email UBC Applied Science Co-op Program:

Website: MEng Internship

UBCO has partnered with Places4Students Inc. to provide an online collection of local housing options. Places4Students provides students and landlords with a real-time database for student housing vacancies in our area, including photos and text, contact information and property features. Learn more:

Off-campus Housing Guide

UBCO’s Off-campus Housing Support Team is in place to support new–to–campus students and help them in their transition to the Kelowna Community. The support team can be contacted via email. The support team cannot provide you with legal guidance or advice but can guide you to resources that can assist. Off-Campus Housing Email:

You can take a virtual tour and learn more about campus on this page.

The Global Engagement Office (GEO) at the UBC Okanagan campus has a wonderful program called Global Pathways to assist international students throughout their program and 3 years after graduation!

The Global Engagement Office provides the following services and opportunities:

  • Immigration support and advising
  • Personalized career advising to align career and employment goals
  • Opportunities to interact with employers to facilitate post-graduation transition
  • Assistance applying for a post-graduation work permit (PGWP)
  • Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC) advising, including post-graduation permanent residence advising
  • Mentorship opportunities under the guidance of experienced professionals

How to contact the GEO office:

  • Office Location: University Centre (UNC) 227
  • International Student Advising (study permits, immigration, post-graduate work permits, etc.):
  • Global Engagement Office (general inquiries & intercultural programming):
  • Follow on social media: