The B.C. Government announced today new members of the province’s Climate Solutions Council who will support the work to transition B.C. to a clean economy with thriving and sustainable industry.
Council members hail from across the province and a wide range of sectors and areas of expertise. This includes First Nations, environmental organizations, industry, business, academia, labour, local government and youth.
Among those appointed today is Dr. Mahmudur Fatmi, Assistant Professor in Civil Engineering from UBC Okanagan.

Dr. Mahmudur Fatmi, Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering at UBC Okanagan.
“I’m excited to serve in this advisory group, which has a legislated mandate to provide advice to the Minister of Environment and Climate Change Strategy. I look forward to enabling the province to take evidence-based greenhouse gas mitigation strategies and adaptation to climate impacts” said Dr. Fatmi.
Dr. Fatmi’s research focuses on travel behavior analysis, agent-based microsimulation modelling techniques, and transportation data collection to assist in making effective transportation and land use policies and infrastructure investment decisions to combat climate change.
Read more in the media release from the Province of B.C.