The University of British Columbia Okanagan Senate has formally approved a mechatronics engineering option commencing in September 2018.
The courses affiliated to this option are being designed and scheduled to accommodate the 2018 winter first year student cohort, and will commence in their third-year. The admission process will open in May 2019.
The option will equip students with state-of-the-art skills, theories and design methodologies. It will be available to both electrical and mechanical engineering program students who complete option-specified design and technical elective courses along with two computer science courses (COSC 121 and COSC 222). Electives to be chosen from a list of approved Mechatronics Option courses provided by the School of Engineering. The option will only be available to 30 students each year.
Like regular bachelor of applied science students, students registered in Mechatronics Option will be required to complete a minimum of 145 credits including required number of design, and technical courses. Students in the mechatronics option will also be encouraged, but not required, to choose a mechatronics-related capstone project.
Further details about the new mechatronics option will be available soon.