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Loïc Markley
Associate Professor
Electrical, Engineering, School of Engineering
Office: EME 4207Phone: 250.807.9590
Email: loic.markley@ubc.ca
Graduate student supervisor

Research Summary
Metamaterials; Antennas and Antenna Arrays; Passive Microwave Circuits
Courses & Teaching
APSC 178 Electricity, Magnetism, and Waves;
ENGR 365 Engineering Electromagnetics;
ENGR 473/574 Antennas and Propagation;
ENGR 567 Passive Microwave Circuits
Dr. Markley received his B.A.Sc. with First Class Honours from the School of Engineering at Simon Fraser University in 2004. He moved to the University of Toronto to pursue graduate studies in the Electromagnetics Group and received his M.A.Sc. in Electrical Engineering in 2007 and his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering in 2013. After a brief Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of Toronto, he accepted a faculty position in Kelowna and joined the School of Engineering as Assistant Professor on July 1st, 2013.
Dr. Markley was the recipient of an NSERC Canada Graduate Scholarship at the Masters level and at the Doctoral level, as well as an NSERC Postgraduate Fellowship. Among other awards, he received two IEEE MTT Graduate Fellowships and the 2009 IEEE MTT-S Tatsuo Itoh Best Paper Award for the best paper published in IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters. Since 2015, he has served as Associate Editor for the IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters.
Dr. Markley is interested in electromagnetics research in a range of fundamental and applied topics from near-field focusing and imaging to microwave circuits and antennas to wave propagation and field manipulation. In particular, he is very interested in the study of metamaterials—artificial materials with exotic electric and magnetic properties—and how they can be applied to antenna design and microwave engineering.
Research website: https://merg.ok.ubc.ca
PhD, Electrical Engineering, University of Toronto, 2013
MASc, Electrical Engineering, University of Toronto, 2007
BASc, Engineering Science, Simon Fraser University, 2004
Selected Publications & Presentations
- I. Aghanejad, K. J. Chau, and L. Markley, “Avoiding imaging artifacts from resonant modes in metamaterial superlenses,” Physical Review B, vol. 100, no. 3, pp. 035137:1-11, Jul. 2019.
- A. Maleki Gargari, M. H. Zarifi, and L. Markley, “Passive matched mushroom structure for an antenna-based liquid detection system,” IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 19, no. 15, pp. 6154-6162, Apr. 2019.
- C. Badowich and L. Markley, “Reducing idle power losses in resonant wireless power transfer,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 65, no. 11, pp. 8605-8612, Mar. 2018.
- I. Aghanejad, K. J. Chau, and L. Markley, “Electromagnetic origins of negative refraction in coupled plasmonic waveguide metamaterials,” Physical Review B, vol. 94, pp. 165133:1-10, Oct. 2016.
- M. Al Shakhs, L. Augusto, L. Markley, and K. J. Chau, “Boosting the transparency of thin layers by coatings of opposing susceptibility: how metals help see through dielectrics,” Scientific Reports, vol. 6, pp. 20659:1-9, Feb. 2016.
- A. Ahmadi, C. M. McDermid, and L. Markley, “Magnetohydrodynamic actuation of droplets for millimetric planar fluidic systems,” Applied Physics Letters, vol. 108, pp. 014101:1-4, Jan. 2016.
- R. Abasi, L. Markley, and G. V. Eleftheriades, “Experimental verification of subwavelength acoustic focusing using a near-field array of closely spaced elements,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Express Letters, vol. 130, no. 6, pp. EL405-EL409, Nov. 2011.
- [invited] L. Markley and G. V. Eleftheriades, “Meta-screens and near-field antenna-arrays: a new perspective on subwavelength focusing and imaging,” Metamaterials, vol. 5, no. 2-3, pp. 97-106, Mar. 2011.
- L. Markley and G.V. Eleftheriades, “Quad-band negative-refractive-index transmission-line unit cell with reduced group delay”, IET Electronics Letters, vol. 46, no 17, pp. 1206-1208, Aug. 2010.
- L. Markley and G. V. Eleftheriades, “A near-field probe for subwavelength-focused imaging”, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 58, no. 3, pp. 551-558, Mar. 2010.
- L. Markley and G. V. Eleftheriades, “Two-dimensional subwavelength focusing using a slotted meta-screen”, IEEE Microwave and Wireless Component Letters, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 137-139, Mar. 2009.
- L. Markley, A. M. H. Wong, Y. Wang, and G. V. Eleftheriades, “A spatially shifted beam approach to subwavelength focusing,” Physical Review Letters, vol. 101, pp. 113901, Sept. 2008.
- L. Markley and G. V. Eleftheriades, “A negative-refractive-index metamaterial for incident plane waves of arbitrary polarization,” IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 6, pp. 28-32, Jan. 2007.