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Keekyoung Kim
Assistant Professor
Office: EME4263Phone: 250.807.9850
Email: keekyoung.kim@ubc.ca
Graduate student supervisor

Research Summary
BioMEMS and Lab-on-a-chip; Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering; Cellular Mechanobiology
Courses & Teaching
Mechanics of Materials (ENGR 476); Microelectromechanical Systems (ENGR 406/506); Biomaterials and Tissuengineering; Cell Mechanics
Dr. Keekyoung Kim began his position as the Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering in July 2013. Dr. Kim earned PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Toronto and holds MS in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Calgary and BE in Mechanical Engineering from Kyung Hee University, South Korea. Before joining to UBC, Dr. Kim worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow at Stanford University Mechanical Engineering and Pediatric Cardiology; a Research Fellow at Brigham and Women’s Hospital/Harvard Medical School and Wyss Institute of Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard University; and a Postdoctoral Fellow in Mechanical & Nuclear Engineering, Agricultural & Biological Engineering, and Center for Lignocellulose Structure and Formation at Pennsylvania State University.
His research interests span many disciplines, including bioMEMS, Lab-on-a-chip, biomechanics, biomaterials, and regenerative medicine/tissue engineering. Generally his research focuses on developing integrated bio/micro/nanosystems to characterize biomaterials for controlling cellular microenvironments; investigate cellular and molecular response to controlled mechanical stimuli; and fabricate functional micro-scale tissues. Dr. Kim aims to apply his extensive research background towards expanding research and education opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students at UBC Okanagan.
Advanced Biofabrication Laboratory
NSERC Postdoctoral Fellow (Harvard Medical School, USA)
PhD Mechanical Engineering (University of Toronto, Canada)
MASc Mechanical Engineering (University of Calgary, Canada)
BEng Mechanical Engineering (Kyung Hee University, South Korea)
Research Interests & Projects
Biomedical Micro/Nanosystems:
Development of biomimetic micro/nanoscale systems and structures
Micro/nanoscale force measurement systems for mechanobiology study
Microsystem-assisted intelligent cell manipulation system
Biomechanics and Mechanobiology:
Comparative nanobiomechanics studies for biological cells in healthy and disease state
Interaction between biomaterials and stem cell
High-throughput Biomaterial Screening:
Biomaterial synthesis, characterization, and screening for synthetic stem cell microenvironments
Tissue engineering for regenerative medicine
Combinatorial hydrogel-extra cellular matrix (ECM) arrays for cell-ECM interaction
Cell microarray chip for drug screening
Selected Publications & Presentations
K. Kim, H. Yi, M.S. Zamil, A. Haque, and V.M. Puri, “Multi-scale strain-stress characterization of onion outer epidermal peel tissue in wet and dry states,” under review, 2014.
J. Oh, J. Jang, K. Kim, and S.C. Choi, “Microfluidic fabrication of in-situ gelable chitosan-dextran microgels”, Biotechnology Letters, under review, 2014.
J.M. Cha, H. Bae, N. Sadr, S. Manoucheri, F. Edalat, K. Kim, S.B. Kim, Y.-S. Hwang, and A. Khademhosseini,” Embryoid body size-mediated differential endodermal and mesodermal differentiation influenced cardiogenic and engothelial development of embryonic stem cells,” under review, 2014.
J. Jang, J. Oh, K. Kim, D.H. Lee, S.C. Choi, and J. Oh, “Microfluidic-assisted rapid generation of tubular cell-laden microgel inside glass capillary,” Biotechnology Letter, accepted for publication, 2014.
K. Koo, S.B. Kim, K. Kim, and J. Oh, “An optical multi-sensing system for detection of cardiovascular toxicity,” Biotechnology Letters, published online (DOI 10.1007/s10529-014-1453-1), 2014.
C. Cha, J. Oh, K. Kim, Y. Qiu, M. Joh, S.R. Shin, X. Wang, G. Camci-Unal, K. Wan, R. Liao, and A. Khademhosseini, “Microfluidics-assisted fabrication of gelatin-silica core−shell microgels for Injectable tissue constructs,” Biomacromolecures, Vol. 15(1), pp. 283-290, 2014. (Selected as ACS editors’ choice article)
K. Kim*, J. Oh*, S.W. Won*, C. Cha, A. Gaharwar, Š. Selimović, H. Bae, K.H. Lee, D.H. Lee, S.-H. Lee, and A. Khademhosseini, “Microfluidic fabrication of cell adhesive chitosan microtubes,” Biomedical Microdevices, Vol 15(2), pp. 465-472, 2013. (* Equal contribution)
S.R. Shin, S. Jung, M. Zalabany, K. Kim, P. Zorlutuna, S.B. Kim, M. Nikkhah, M. Khabiry, M. Azize, J. Kong, K.-T. Wan, T. Palacios, M. Dokmeci, H. Bae, X. Tang, and A. Khademhosseini, “Carbon nanotube embedded hydrogel sheets for engineering functional cardiac tissues and bioactuators,” ACS Nano, Vol. 7(3), pp. 2369-2380, 2013.
R.E. Tayler, K. Kim, N. Sun, S.-J. Park, J. Y. Sim, G. Fajardo, D. Bernstein, J.C. Wu, and B.L. Pruitt, “Sacrificial layer technique for axial force assay of immature cardiomyocytes,” Biomedical Microdevices, Vol. 15(1), pp. 171-181, 2013.
M. Nikkhah, N. Eshak, P. Zorlutuna, N. Annabi, M. Castello, K. Kim, A. Dolatshahi-Pirouz, F. Edalat, H. Bae, Y. Yang, and A. Khademhosseini, “Directed endothelial cell morphogenesis in micropatterned gelatin methacrylate hydrogels,” Biomaterials, Vol. 33(35), pp. 9009-9018, 2012.