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Lukas Bichler, PhD
Manufacturing, Mechanical, School of Engineering
Office: EME4223Phone: 250.807.8816
Email: lukas.bichler@ubc.ca
Graduate student supervisor

Research Summary
Advanced characterization of materials; New alloy development; Manufacturing processes
Courses & Teaching
Manufacturing processes; Fundamental and advanced topics in materials science; Professional development (law and ethics for engineers)
Dr. Lukas Bichler received his Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering (specializing in Manufacturing, Materials and Solid Mechanics) from the Toronto Metropolitan University, Toronto. Upon graduation, he received NSERC-Postdoctoral fellowship, tenured at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Toronto.
NSERC - Postdoctoral Fellow (U. of Toronto)
Ph.D. – Mechanical Engineering (Ryerson University)
M.A.Sc. – Mechanical Engineering (Ryerson University)
B.Eng. – Aerospace Engineering (Ryerson University)
Research Interests & Projects
Dr. Bichler established laboratories at UBC focusing on multi-process approach to materials development:
1) Metalcasting laboratory for advancement of magnesium and aluminum alloys:
- The laboratory-scale foundry is equipped with melting furnaces, heat treatment furnaces, thermal analysis equipment, data acquisition software, permanent and hot tearing molds, optical microscopy with image analysis software, mechanical testing equipment and hardness testers
- Research on the characterization and modification of materials and their properties via advanced techniques (e.g., neutron and X-ray diffraction, TEM, EBSD, SEM, TGA/DSC).
- Production of novel grain refiners and in-situ composites for Al and Mg-based alloy systems
2) Spark plasma sintering laboratory for advanced ceramic, metallic, nano and functionally graded materials and composites:
- The laboratory is equipped with Thermal Technologies 10-3 SPS system (max. sintering temperature 2500C in Ar/He), as well as glove boxes, high energy planetary ball mill, ultrasonic baths, hardness testing equipment, powder particle analyzers and environmental chambers
- Research on the fabrication of ceramic materials for thermal insulation applications (Yttria Stabilized Zirconia), semiconductor applications (ZnO), thermoelectric applications (Mg2Si)
- Development of nano composites with rare-earth dopants (e.g., CeO2, Nd2O3, La2O3), nanoreinforcements (e.g., Carbon Nanotubes) and particulate reinforcements (e.g., SiC, TiC)
- Development of functionally graded materials and ceramic additives for treatment of liquid metals
- Fundamental studies on SPS processing of materials
Selected Publications & Presentations
- B. Gorji, A. Khosrozadeh, S. Doja, L. Tao, M. B. Miller, L. Bichler, M. Arjmand, J. Liu, 2023, “Critical evaluation of hybrid and organic electrolytes for supercapacitors with optimized porous carbon”, Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 441
- P. Bhagtani, L. Bichler, A. Bardelcik, A. Elsayed, 2022, “Modeling Thermal Conductivity of Al-Ni, Al-Fe, and Al-Co Spark Plasma Sintered Alloys”, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance
- T. Davis and L. Bichler, 2022, “Effect of Al-Ti master alloy on the grain refinement and hot tearing of AZ91 Mg alloys”, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance
- L. K. Pillari, A. Lombardi, G. Byczynski, S. V. S. N. Murty, B.S. Murty and L. Bichler, 2022, “Recent advances in aluminum matrix composites reinforced with graphene-based nanomaterial: A critical review”, Progress in Materials Science https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pmatsci.2022.100948 (Journal Impact Factor = 39!)
- M. K. Tummalapalli, J.A. Szpunar, A. Prasad, L. Malakkal and L. Bichler, 2022, “Evaluation of thermophysical properties of UO2-10 Vol% Mo nuclear fuel pellets”, Journal of Nuclear Materials, Vol. 559 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnucmat.2021.153444
- M. K. Tummalapalli, J. A. Szpunar, A. Prasad and L. Bichler, 2022, “EBSD studies on microstructure and crystallographic orientation of UO2-Mo composite fuels”, Nuclear Engineering and Technology, Vol 53, No. 12, 4052 – 4059 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.net.2021.06.028
- S. Doja, L. K. Pillari and L. Bichler, 2022, “Processing and activation of tire-derived char: A review”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2021.111860
- A. Karanam, A. Prasad, L. Bichler and R. Birnie-Browne, 2021, “In-service performance of high-manganese steel clinker crusher hammer”, International Journal of Metalcasting, Vol. 16, pp. 573 – 584
- J. Ranasinghe, L. Malakkal, B. Szpunar, A. Prasad, E. Jossou, J. A. Szpunar and L. Bichler, 2021, “DFT and experimental study on the thermal conductivity of U3O8 and U3O8-X(X=Al and Mo)”, Journal of Nuclear Materials, Vol. 549, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnucmat.2021.152900
- A. Karati, V.S. Hariharan, S. Ghosh, A. Prasad, M. Nagini, K. Guruvidyathri, R. C. Mallick, R. Shabadi, L. Bichler and U.V. Varadaraju, 2020, “Thermoelectric Properties Of Half-Heusler High-Entropy Ti2NiCoSn1-XSb1+X (x=0.5, 1) Alloys With VEC>18”, Scripta Materialia, Vol. 186, September 2020, pp. 375-390, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scriptamat.2020.04.036
- D. Gurgel, M. A. L. De Oliveira Rodrigues, M. Mashhadikarimi, L. Pires, M. Filgueira, L. Bichler and U. Umbelino Gomes, 2020, “Niobium As A New Binder For Polycrystalline Diamond (PCD) Sintered Via High Pressure-High Temperature (HPHT), International Journal Of Refractory Metals And Hard Materials, Vol. 90, August 2020, Https://Doi.Org/10.1016/J.Ijrmhm.2020.105234
- L. Malakkal, A. Prasad, D. Oladimeji, E. Jossou, J. Ranasinghe, B. Szpunar, L. Bichler and J. Szpunar, 2019, “The Effect Of SPS Processing Parameters On The Microstructure And Thermal Conductivity Of ThO2”, Journal Of Nuclear Materials, Vol. 527, December 2019, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnucmat.2019.151811
- Malakkal, A. Prasad, E. Jossou, J. Ranasinghe, B. Szpunar, L. Bichler and J. Szpunar, 2019, “Thermal Conductivity Of Bulk And Porous ThO2: Atomistic And Experimental Study”, Journal Of Alloys And Compounds, Vol. 798, August 2019, pp. 507- 516, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2019.05.274
- Zhu, A. Prasad, S. Doja. L. Bichler and J. Liu, “Spark Plasma Sintering Of Li-Al-Ge-P Solid Electrolyte And Its Electrochemical Properties”, Nanomaterials, Vol. 9, No. 8, p. 1086, August 2019
- Malakkal, A. Prasad. D. Oladimej, E. Jossou, J. Ranasinghe, B. Szpunar, L. Bichler and J. Szpunar, 2019, “Atomistic And Experimental Study On Thermal Conductivity Of Bulk And Porous Cerium Dioxide”, Nature Scientific Reports, Open Access, Https://Doi.Org/10.1038/S41598-019-42807-5
- Prasad, L. Malakkal, J. Szpunar and L. Bichler, 2019, “Optimizing Processing Conditions For Thorium Dioxide Using Spark Plasma Sintering”, Acers Ceramic Transactions, Vol. 266, https://doi.org/10.1002/9781119631460.ch12
- Prasad, L. LaFortune, J. Mok and L. Bichler, 2019, “An Investigation On Spark Plasma Sintering Of A Carbon Black Grain Refiner For B319 Aluminum Alloy”, Transactions Of Indian Institute Of Metals, Vol. 72, No. 6, 1399-1403
Professional Services/Affiliations/Committees
3rd Vice President, Metallurgy and Materials Society of CIM
Fellow, Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining