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Shahria Alam
Other Titles: Director, Green Construction Research Training CentreOffice: EME4211
Phone: 250.807.9397
Email: shahria.alam@ubc.ca
Graduate student supervisor

Research Summary
Smart materials; Seismic rehabilitation of steel, concrete, masonry; Seismic analysis and building design
Courses & Teaching
Seismic Analysis and Design of Buildings; Bridge Engineering; Design and Analysis of Tall Buildings; Finite Element Analysis; Prestressed Concrete
For the past six years, Dr. Shahria Alam has been extensively involved in research related to smart materials and their structural applications, seismic rehabilitation of deteriorated structures, and performance based design of reinforced concrete, prestressed concrete, and masonry structures. He is a winner of many awards and scholarships, and his research contribution has been recognized by various professional bodies and institutions. Prior to join at UBC-Okanagan, Dr. Alam has worked in several industrial projects while working as a structural engineer for Halcrow Yolles (Toronto) and JNE Consulting Ltd. (Hamilton, ON). Few notable projects are Canadian Museum for Human Rights, City Center Las Vegas, and Burlington Performing Art Centre, Burlington, ON and several steel structures for US Steel Canada and Praxair Canada Inc. Currently Dr. Alam is involved in several industrial projects in BC.
Link: Alam Research Group
PhD (2008) – Civil & Environmental Engineering – University of Western Ontario (UWO), Canada
MSc (2004) – Civil Engineering – Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET), Bangladesh
BSc (2001) – Civil Engineering – Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET), Bangladesh
Research Interests & Projects
- Smart Materials and their Structural Applications
- Seismic Rehabilitation of Steel, Concrete and Masonry Structures
- Progressive Collapse Analysis of Structures
- Performance-based Design of Structures
- Recycle/Reuse of Industrial Wastes for Structural Applications
Dr. Alam’s current research projects include the design of frame structures against progressive collapse due to blast loading, seismic design guideline for shape memory alloy reinforced concrete frame structures, rack clad buildings, braced concrete frames, base isolated structures, seismic performance assessment of highway bridges in BC,seismic retrofitting of highway bridges, and green concrete from industrial wastes .
Selected Publications & Presentations
Refereed Journal Publication (Student’s name is underlined)
- Li, S., Dezfuli, F.H., Wang, J-Q., Alam, M.S. 2018. “Displacement-based seismic design of steel, FRP and SMA cable restrainers for isolated simply supported bridges,” in press, Journal of Bridge Engineering, ASCE.
- Billah, A.H.M.M. and Alam, M.S. (2018). “Probabilistic seismic risk assessment of concrete bridge piers reinforced with different types of shape memory alloys,” Engineering Structures, 162 (May): 97-108, Elsevier.
- Moradi, S., Alam, M.S. 2018. “Closure to “Lateral Load-Drift Response and Limit States of Posttensioned Steel Beam-Column Connections: Parametric Study” by Saber Moradi, and M. Shahria Alam,” in press, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE.
- Parghi, A., Alam, M.S., 2017. “A review on the application of sprayed-FRP composites for strengthening of concrete and masonry structures in the construction sector,” in press, Composite Structures, Elsevier.
- Haque, R., Alam, M.S. 2017. “Hysteretic behaviour of a piston based self-centering (PBSC) bracing system made of superelastic SMA bars – A Feasibility Study,” Structures, Elsevier, 12:102-114.
- Li, S., Zhang, F., Wang, J-Q., Alam, M.S., and Zhang, J. 2017. “Seismic responses of super-span cable-stayed bridges induced by ground motions in different sites relative to fault rupture considering soil-structure interaction.” Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Elsevier 101 (Oct): 295-310.
- Li, S., Dezfuli, F.H., Wang, J-Q., and Alam, M.S. 2017. “Effect of Constitutive Models on the Seismic Response of an SMA-LRB Isolated Highway Bridge,” Engineering Structures, Elsevier, 148(Oct): 113-125.
- Li, S., Dezfuli, F.H., Wang, J-Q., and Alam, M.S. 2017. “Longitudinal seismic response control of long-span cable-stayed bridges using shape memory alloy (SMA) wire-based lead rubber bearings under near-fault records,” in press, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, SAGE.
- Dezfuli, F.H., and Alam, M.S., (2017). “Smart Lead Rubber Bearings Equipped with Ferrous Shape Memory Alloy Wires for Seismically Isolating Highway Bridges,” Journal of Earthquake Engineering, Taylor & Francis.
- Shahnewaz, M., Tannert, T., Alam, M. S. and; Popovski, M. (2017). “In-plane stiffness of Cross Laminated Timber Panels with Openings,” in press, Structural Engineering International, IABSE, 27(2): 217-223.
- Shahnewaz, M., Islam, M. S., Ahmadipour, M., Tannert, T., and Alam, M.S. (2017). Reinforced Wood I-Joists with Web Openings,Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 143(6): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0001747.
- Zhang, P., and Alam, M.S. (2017). “Experimental investigation and numerical simulation of pallet-rack stub columns under compression load” Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Elsevier, 133(Jun): 282-299.
- Tehrani, M., Dezfuli, F.H., Alam, M.S., and Milani, A. (2016). “Parametric Study on Mechanical Responses of Corrugated-Core Sandwich Panels for Bridge Decks,” Journal of Bridge Engineering, ASCE, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)BE.1943-5592.0001008.
- Ahmadipour, M., and Alam, M.S. (2017). “Sensitivity analysis on mechanical characteristics of lead-core steel-reinforced elastomeric bearings under cyclic loading,” Engineering Structures, Elsevier, 140(Jun): 39-50.
- Moradi, S., and Alam, M.S. (2017). “Lateral Load-Drift Response and Limit States of Posttensioned Steel Beam-Column Connections: A Parametric Study,” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 143(7): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0001772.
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